Blottie Ussery

Blottie Ussery

In a year that has challenged the region’s health care industry unlike any other in a century, four health care professionals have been honored with St. Louis American Foundation Excellence in Healthcare awards. They will receive their awards during a virtual event on July 29. Today we are highlighting Blottie Ussery.

Blottie Ussery, RN is a registered nurse at Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital. When she first visited a hospital as a child, she knew then that she wanted to be a nurse and to work with children. She graduated from Florissant Valley Community College as a registered nurse in 1989 and moved on to serve at St. Louis Children’s Hospital as a staff nurse. There, she cared for children with cystic fibrosis and asthma. She then moved to Strictly Pediatrics Specialty Center where she cared for medically fragile children in their homes, treating those living with chronic illnesses. She also served as a teacher to the parents and teachers of those children, showing them how to care for their kids and equipment. Ussery joined Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital in 2006, a specialty hospital in St. Louis that cares just for children with medical complexities. She has thrived at Ranken Jordan, earning three nominations for the DAISY Award and is consistently recognized by her peers and leaders for her outstanding work. 

The St. Louis American Foundation’s 21st Annual Salute to Excellence in Health Care Awards will be celebrated as a free virtual event at 7 p.m., July 29. For additional details and registration, please visit

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